Accidental Dog Theft Wasn’t a Mistake

Stealing a dog resulted in a lifetime best friend who led me to happiness.

March 4, 2023

Image of my dog, Gina Pinguil

By Gina Pinguil

I adopted my dog through accidental theft when I decided to take him from my aunt’s farm in Ecuador. When you’re 10 and a cute puppy fits in your small favorite purse, you don’t think twice or look back. My aunt was one day away from selling a long time emotional companion. 

Throughout the rest of the visit in Ecuador, all I could do was smile when a small little black ball of fluff was always trailing behind me. Even the cold hearts of my parents couldn’t help but to be melted by such a lovable puppy. Coming from a country where dogs are  seen as nothing but profit or objects, it demonstrates the great impact a small dog who could barely go up one step could do.

During the rest of our visit in Ecuador, I was his primary owner. As much as my parents and family adored him, he was just seen as nothing but another farm animal. Even with that point of view, I took care of him. Baths were a must and his favorite thing other than walking was eating. I would sometimes starve just to feed him the food off my plate, he always got first dibs. 

My dog’s name came from the color of his fur, at 10 years old I thought it was simple and practical. I had so many options at hand but I chose Blaki, though it was easy for a spanish speaking family to say. The spelling came from dad who originally spelled it “Blackque” but then changed it to “Blaki”. Overtime, the name stuck but we gave him plenty of nicknames, some ranging from dumpling to pinky. 

My family and I made the best decision to bring him back home to New York. My parents worried about the effects it could have on me because I became so attached. Then they worried for my dog because life for animals in Ecuador wasn’t the best. Once we brought him to New York, I split ownership with my sister, who adored him more than anything else. 

My dog wasn’t the only thing that trailed behind me, 2 years later I found myself being hunted down by depression. I rejected any help that was provided, I found comfort in self destructing behavior. I was a very angry person, I had a hard time controlling my chaotic emotions. Everyone around me knew me as just an angry violent girl. Not my dog. 

As someone who has taken therapy before, I absolutely hated it. Being alone with a stranger who you’re supposed to share your deepest inner traumas with wasn’t really my thing. I never liked it, I thought I could fix my issues on my own and for the most part that is true but you always need help, especially with suicidal thoughts. Everyday coming back from therapy, my dog welcoming me back was more comforting than sitting in silence with a therapist.

After my therapist said she was relocating and leaving, I went through the process of declining therapy completely. Lying about my mental state to actually being with my dog who brought me comfort was the greatest decision I could make. 

As I grew older, I noticed I wasn’t the only one relying on our dog as a way to help with stress. My sister would begin to open up to me about how she dealt with anxiety and feeling lonely. Similar to me, she had no intention of going to therapy when she had something close to her. My sister has stated that “Sweetpea helps me with my anxiety, he makes me feel safe when I’m alone, I hug him and I feel better”. 

Dogs have been known to actually help with stress and anxiety. They are one of mother nature’s anxiety relievers. According to this article, it says “The companionship of an animal can offer comfort, help ease anxiety, and build self-confidence for people anxious about going out into the world”.(The health…,Robinson). My sister truly enjoys the company my dog provides when he is around.

Not only do dogs provide emotional support but they also provide better physical health. Taking my dog on walks is refreshing when you spend your day doing homework and staying inside. The minute I met my dog, all he did was walk around and follow me. Even being the runt of the litter, he had the most energy and cried the least for walking. Having depression and having a hard time getting out of bed can be difficult. Although the effort to even get up can be completely worth it if it means to spend time with a best friend. According to another article it says “If you’re not very active, owning a dog could give you a very good reason to walk regularly” (Dog walking benefits). Dogs can provide a reason to get out more, it not only benefits you but them as well. Taking care of our fluffy friend is important as well. 

My social anxiety can be difficult for me to overcome, I have a hard time speaking up sometimes despite having something to say. I have many friends who are pet owners and their dogs are a lot more friendlier, unlike my dog. As mentioned, my dog isn’t friendly so I dont have the experience of socializing with other pets. Even with that my friends’ dogs give them the space to socialize and become friendly with their community and family. Interactions are important for people who tend to be alone or face isolation for most of the time, “Several studies reported pets increased interactions with family, friends, and the local community.”(Pets & Wellbeing…Sutton). Pets are a wonderful topic to discuss. My friend Areli has even said “ I enjoy my walks with Melo (her dog), our neighbors sometimes stop and we talk for 10 minutes or more about our dogs”. Owning a dog could give a great opportunity to get some interaction. 

After graduating from high school, I found my interactions to lessen and found my depression to kick in again. After dealing with a lot of stressful situations and having no help from guidance counselors, all I really had were my friends and dog. Even with friends around too, I could still feel lonely. Coming back home from a stressful day and seeing my little ball of fluff was the only thing that could alter my mood and make me feel positive. 

My adoption story is like no other, stealing my dog was definitely not a mistake. My life would have been completely different without him. I would have been still trapped in the chains of depression and self destruction. My little impactful poodle pup had a wonderful way of keeping me happy and safe from harm.